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In-home safety protocol and what to expect during your Glamsquad serviceUpdated 2 years ago

For more details, please see our updated Terms of Use.

Health and safety has never been more important and we are taking extreme measures to ensure we are doing our part to eliminate the spread of COVID-19. 

To keeping everyone healthy and safe we now require the following:

  1. Personal Protection Equipment (PPE): Both clients and beauty professionals are required to wear a protective face covering during the service. Beauty pros will arrive with their own PPE, including a mask or face covering, multiple pairs of gloves and a disposable apron. If the client does not have a mask, we will ask them to cancel and reschedule their appointment.

  1. Additional Certification:  Our Beauty Professionals are now required to be certified in Barbicide and Barbicide COVID-19 protocols. Sanitation and safety has always been a top priority, but this new requirement provides confidence in knowing that our Beauty Pros follow the latest and highest standards of sanitation and disinfection, as well as other protective measures for social distancing. Launched in 1947 in New York, Barbicide has represented the industry standard for safe services in salons and barbershops for more than half a century.  

  1. New protocols for Beauty Pros before, during and after the appointment: We have a new set of protocols pros must follow to ensure a seamlessly safe experience. Specifically: 

    • Before the appointment: 

      1.  We ask that pros closely follow CDC guidelines for mask and glove use on their way to and from all appointments. This means even while wearing gloves, minimize touching handrails and door handles.

      2.  Pros will arrive in a mask and gloves. We ask that pros remove their gloves and sanitize or wash their hands before they begin setting up. 

      3.  Pros will collect and take their trash with them. 

During the appointment: 

Clients should have a designated area and/or a towel laid out for pros to put their kit.

Pros will wear a mask and gloves during the service. 

All products and tools will be wiped down and sanitized on the spot before use on a client using proper sanitation techniques

Cooperation and responsibility: We ask that our pros and clients alike take care of themselves and others. We encourage you to monitor your health daily. Take your temperature. If you are sick or feeling any symptoms, please cancel your appointment. We are all in this together.

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